"For the entire Law is fulfilled in in this one word: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."—Gal 5:14

Listen and Grow!

Meet some of our speakers! 

Kevin Smith discusses our place and status at the table! Have you ever wondered where you were on the pecking order? Listen in to learn what Jesus was conveying about this in the Gospels. 

David Stewart show us that God has provided us plans to build a beautiful temple, and desires that we work on building it. Listen in to find out how!

David Stewart leads a discussion on how important Jesus' authority should be to us. Do you understand the magnitude of it? Check out this awesome message today! 

Kevin Smith asks us if we have ever thought that it was too late for us to begin our lives as busy Christians in God's Kingdom. Well, it's not too late! Today we will be looking at the "Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard" from Matthew 20.

Lucas Necessary delivers a message on avoiding sharp disagreements and being united in Christ, rather than divided over opinions. Click here to download a PDF which will help you follow along with the discussion.  

Lucas Necessary presents an unusual class today! Have you ever wondered if baptism was something that early Christians found important? Lucas reviews early Christian texts which show that not only did they think it was important, but they even considered it essential to salvation. Click here to download a Powerpoint which will help you follow along with the lesson, starting at slide 17. 

Lucas Necessary asks, "Can women speak during "church?"" Does God contradict Himself? Listen as we review a variety of scriptures and show that God values women. 
Click here to download some of Lucas' notes. 

Jesus told a number of parables about the Kingdom of God's coming. Today at the church of Christ we will be looking at the parable of the ""Marriage Feast."

Matthew 21 The parables of the vineyards

 Is reluctant obedience still acceptable to God? Jesus says YES! Today, we will be looking at "The Parable of the Two Sons."

What happens when people die, and how will everyone be judged? Today at the church of Christ, we will be looking at Jesus' parable about the "Rich Man and Lazarus" seeking to answer these questions.

Luke 16:1-8 The Parable of the Shrewd Manager

Parables of Lost Things

 The death of Jesus was horrible, but praise God that was not the end of the story! Today, we will be looking at the event that brings hope to mankind--the resurrection.

The suffering of Jesus was more brutal than we can even imagine. Today , we will be looking at this horrible death that gave hope to the world.

God's plan to rescue mankind from it's sin involved His Messiah suffering and ultimately dying in the cruelest way possible. He disclosed this part of His plan 700 years prior to the birth of Jesus. 

The crucifixion of Jesus was not a random, unexpected event in history. God foretold of the crucifixion around 1000 years before Jesus was born! Today, we will be looking at Psalm 22 and the reference that was around 500 years prior to the invention of this execution style! 

Listen as Kevin shows us how the Old Testament is a foreshadow of Christ and His sacrifice

The Assembly of the Saints: Part 4
We continue a class led by Lucas. Looked at was the emphasis that early Christians put on:
-Prayer, assembly, and DAILY fellowship.
-Baptism and the Lord's Supper.
-Helping orphans, widows, and the poor.
-Feasts of love.
Download the associated powerpoint here! 

The Assembly of the Saints: Part 3
Lucas continues a look at the church as if originally was.  Topics covered include:
-Review of worship and service.
-Examination of the importance of assembling daily
-Extra-Biblical texts
Feel free to download the accompanying powerpoint here. Please note that not all the slides were covered, and that the series continues with Part 4. 

Parable of the Good Samaritan 
One of the most famous parables Jesus told had to do with mercy being shown from an unexpected source. 

Parable of the Lamp
Sometimes a person's faith in God gets put in the wrong position in life. Today at the church of Christ we will be looking at the Parable of the Lamp and attempting to place Christ in the proper place in our lives.


Debt of the Worst Kind!
Being in debt is horrible. Jesus told a parable about 2 guys who were in debt to a moneylender who forgave their debts and their reactions.

The Assembly of the Saints Part 2
Lucas continues a series that will culminate with a better view of what Christ's church was like in the 1st century. Today the congregation looks over what worship is, what service is, and how they impact the life of the Christian, especially if we come to the false conclusion that we only "worship" an hour a week.

The accompanying powerpoint with pictures and references can be found here. 

The Parable of the Sower

Today Kevin examines the Parable of the Sower and the type of soil we should be.

The Assembly of the Saints: Part 1
Lucas begins a long series on:
-what worship and service are
-the flaws of the "command, example, necessary inference (CENI)" model of Biblical understanding
-what the early church actually did and looked like, and why it's meaningful to use today
-a handful of reasons that he'll never be able to find a wife
-how to remember an Aramaic word by sounding like a jungle bird.

You'll probably want the accompanying powerpoint to see the pictures and verses, which you can download by clicking here.

Jesus taught many lessons on how God wants His people to behave. Today we will be taking a look at one of the biggest models of humility in Scripture--the washing of the disciples' feet. 

This is the time of year that many people make resolutions to improve their lives. Unfortunately most of these resolutions are discarded less than a month later. Todaywe will be looking at some tips on how to keep pressing forward and improve our walk with God this year.