"For the entire Law is fulfilled in in this one word: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."—Gal 5:14

Importance of Godliness—1 Timothy 4

Added on by Lucas Necessary.

Teaching or learning, I love being a part of our adult Bible classes. I do not remember a time when I have been blessed by such an active group discussing the Scriptures. Wednesday night highlighted this fact once again as we were discussing the benefits of godliness.


On the other hand, discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness; for bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. -1 Timothy 4:7-8


Paul uses an athletic example in this passage when instructing Timothy to “discipline” himself for godliness. Paul uses the Greek term γυμαζω (gumatzo) which is translated as “exercise/train naked” like the 1st century Olympians trained and competed. He tells Timothy that godliness is of such importance that Christians should be training for it like Olympians! The conversation garnered responses more often associated with getting ahead in daily life and business: giving constant, full-out effort, being vulnerable to criticism and rebuke, welcoming scrutiny, holding firmly to the teachings, practicing daily with full dedication. It’s interesting that the same things we use to train ourselves for “getting ahead” in life are the very things we can use to train ourselves spiritually.


Godliness is often placed on the back-burner behind our jobs, families, entertainment, and educations. According to Paul, this should not be the case. He calls godliness “profitable for all things” because of its effect on the whole of life, both now and eternally. Our jobs are important since they help to provide for our families’ physical well-being. Entertainment is important to a point because it helps us to recharge and refocus on more important things. Education is important as it helps prepare us for new challenges and avenues in life. Of the above list, only family has the potential to aid our eternal preparation. Because of its all-encompassing sway, godliness trumps them all


Even though Christians know this, there is a constant struggle to place godliness in its proper place in life. Culture gets in the way. From a very young age, we are materially-conditioned. Big houses, multiple cars, large bank accounts, fancy clothes, advanced degrees, etc are held up as benchmarks of success. These have the potential to bless our physical lives while damaging or even destroying our spiritual ones. This simply will not do.


Training ourselves for success in this life is appropriate and good. It is not, however, the most important focus for Christians. 


It is a trustworthy statement deserving full acceptance. For it is for this we labor and strive, because we have fixed our hope on the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of believers. -1 Timothy 4:9-10


The Olympians were training to compete to honor their city-states and win a temporary crown. Christians are preparing for their daily battles with Satan. In order to be truly successful we must be prepared. This elevates training to the highest importance. Training to be like God.