"For the entire Law is fulfilled in in this one word: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."—Gal 5:14

A Better Way to View Sin

Added on by Lucas Necessary.

Phil Sutton of Christ's Church in Bozeman, MT, wrote this. It'll encourage you! Give it a read!

"Is it a sin if I . . . ? " For the Christian, I suggest that this not the best question to ask when it comes to life decisions, at least that has proven to be the case for me. If I already really think that it could possibly be sinful, then I know that I myself am at least a little suspicious that the activity might be somewhat shady, maybe a little too close to the line, if not actually over it. Then I try to find comfort from those who would tell me that I should go for it. I find little joy in my faith when I think like this. My focus is on myself, my "rights", my personal safety (after all, I don't want to go to hell, but I really want to do what I want to do), and even my sin. I find myself defending my life (to myself, to others, and to God) more that actually living a meaningful and happy abundant life. My abundant life is better realized when I ask different questions. Here are a few that I ask myself a lot nowadays as I try to make decisions.

1. How am I going to glorify God in this?
2. How am I going to use this to benefit the kingdom of God?
3. How am I going to use this to encourage and help others?
4. How is this decision going to build and strengthen my faith? My family's faith? My Christians siblings' faith?
5. What opportunities is this decision or activity going to provide for fulfilling God's will.

A question to summarize all of these: IS IT PROFITABLE FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD, AND DOES IT EDIFY?

1 Corinthians 10:23 - "All things are lawful, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful, but not all things edify."
So, even if it is "lawful", is it good and useful?

For myself, I really like the positive, forward-focused questions better. They help me focus on God rather than on myself or sin. They help me make decisions with joy and with a clear conscience, rather than with fear and a somewhat guilty conscience.

Sin is not even an option in the mind of a Christian. If I am suspicious of sin, I already know the answers to the above questions.

Press on in faith, not fear!