"For the entire Law is fulfilled in in this one word: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."—Gal 5:14

Recognizing women: credit where it's due!

Added on by Lucas Necessary.

Sometimes women in churches don't get much public recognition. As one preacher (sadly in seriousness) said, "Women can pass the communion trays as long as they don't stand to do it." The apostle Paul, though, was absolutely willing to publicly praise some early ladies in the assemblies. Check out part of what he said in Romans 16 (in part; emphasis mine):

"I commend to you our sister PHOEBE, who is a deaconess of the church which is at Cenchrea. Greet PRISCA and Aquila who for my life risked their own necks...Greet MARY, who has worked hard for you...Greet Andronicus and JUNIAS, who are outstanding among the apostles... Greet TRYPHAENA and TRYPHOSA, workers in the Lord."

In his salutations, Paul makes it clear that the early church held many women in high regard for their service to Christ. We should certainly do the same! Some public recognition as Paul gave goes a long way to encourage people.  : )