"For the entire Law is fulfilled in in this one word: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."—Gal 5:14

Evolutionary cognitive dissonance.

Added on by Lucas Necessary.

Evolutionary admissions.
BQ: Today marks our last look at genetics for some time. I'd like to look at a few quotes from atheistic scientists and let them stand as they are. 

F. Hoyle, a noted atheist, theoretical mathematician, and physicist, said, "...statements one frequently hears, to the effect that the Darwinian theory is as obvious as the Earth going round the Sun, are either expressions of almost incredible naivete or they are deceptions...with such widespread evidence of senescence [aging, destructively of the genome in this case—Lucas] in the world around us, it still seems amazing that so many people thing it is "obvious" that the biological system as a whole should be headed in the opposite direction."

Howell, a noted geneticist, used a mitochodrial mutational rate of .1-1.0, while our overall mutation rate is in the 100.00s to 1000.00s. He said, "We should increase our attention to the broader questions of how (or whether) organisms can tolerate, in the sense of evolution, a genetic system with such a high mutational burden." 

Loewe, looking at mutations in only 1/200,000th of the genome, wrote, "A surprisingly large range of biologically realistic parameter combinations should have led to extinction of the evolutionary line leading to humans within 20 million years..."

Evolution is taught primarily from a philosophical, pseudo-scientific perspective. Why? Because the empirical evidence isn't the sort of thing you'd want in a textbook where evolution is being declared a "fact." The science is strictly against it. 