"For the entire Law is fulfilled in in this one word: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."—Gal 5:14

Filtering by Tag: resources

Resources for Your Reboot—Helene

Added on by Helene.

Resources for your Reboot

How are your New Year’s resolutions going?  Did you give up on the gym yet? Start cheating on your new diet?  Violate January’s budget?  No?  Great!


I hope your rebooted plan to be a regular student of God’s Word is also going well.  If you missed Friday’s post, go back and take a look at the worksheet for rebooting your spiritual disciplines and then come enjoy the multitude of resources we gathered for you to help you get started!



Bible Reading:


Back to the Bible


This website offers not only multiple plans to help you read through the Bible in a year, but each plan has links to the day’s scripture in multiple versions, so that you can click through and do your reading at the same site.  It is quick and handy and could be done on the go if you have a smart phone. 





Ligonier also offers multiple plans to achieve the goal of reading the Bible all the way through.  However, these are intended to be downloaded and then printed. Perfect for those of you who would be much happier to tuck it into your Bible and read a hardcopy each morning. 



Word of Promise


If you struggle with reading, say for example you arecommuter with hours in the car or a busy young mom constantly doing laundry, let me suggest an audio bible.  If you are now imagining being seduced to sleep on the highway, let me suggest “The Word of Promise.”  It is my absolute favorite audio Bible out there. You can hear a clip at the link above.  




Best Bible Verses for Kids


Whether you are actually looking to help your kids learn basic Bible facts and verses, or looking to meditate on the beautiful word of God, these printable are perfect.  We just printed them out on card stock, clipped them together, and away we went.  Leave them on the kitchen table to be recited after breakfast, or tuck them in the dashboard to be worked on on the way to school.  


Scripture Typer


Flip books not your thing?  Grab your smartphone and download the free app, “Scripture typer.”  I haven’t tried it myself but the reviews were phenomenal.   As you click, the app allows one word at a time to appear to help you check and see if you are getting the verse right.  It also has a mechanism to review the verses you have been working on.  




Echo (Google Play) (iTunes)

This really neat app lets you not only organize and store your prayer list but also it will send you push notifications to remind you to pray.   See our review here.


Radically Christian Q&A

I have been enjoying the Radically Christian Q&A. The minister at the Baker’s Heights Church of Christ once a week spends 2 minutes (literally) answering a question a listener sent in.   

Radically Christian CrossTalk 

Radically Christian also puts out another podcast called CrossTalk.  We’ve reviewed this podcast before but it basically it is a spiritual conversation between several men of the congregation.  Check out a full review here.

For Women By Women

The congregation where I worship here in Wyoming has a rich archive of answered questions, recorded sermons and classes including a few of our ladies’ class.