Christ's Church in Rock Springs, Wyoming

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A fraudulent bomb-detection device.

There is a fraudulent bomb-detection device that has sold thousands of units to countries around the world, and may be responsible for untold numbers of deaths. When a member of the company approach the CEO with his concerns, the CEO replied, "It does exactly what it's supposed to—it makes money." ( )

In Ephesians 6, God tells us to put armor on. He says, "and take the helmet of salvation..."  Helmets, like bomb detection devices, are meant to protect us. Satan is the great deceiver, though, and would love to give you a fraudulent lookalike. Would you take a helmet that was missing a critical part? That looked so good but was made by an enemy? Could you tell which was which?

Would you reject even one thing that God says saves you? Can you name different things that God says are a part of our salvation?