Christ's Church in Rock Springs, Wyoming

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To avoid temptation.

BQ: Have you ever met someone you really would have rather seen get hit by a bus than turn from his/her obnoxious ways? I think that most of us get that feeling at some point, much like Jonah did. What's a great way to overcome anger at someone?

A: Matthew 26:41 has a great answer: "Keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation ; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."

There are all sorts of temptations that this helps with, but we'll stick with anger. When I feel myself getting angry at someone, I stop and pray for them to become more like Christ. When I keep my focus on hoping that the transgressor will grow into a great friend, it's hard to stay angry at them. 

Prayer helps with a lot of things. It really forces us to come out of the worldly mindset and to remember what our spiritual goals are. A side benefit is that, by putting away the fleshly reaction, your reputation will remain above reproach. : )